Ligature tries to have a minimal data model. Below is psudeocode for Ligature's data model.
Value = Literal | Element
Statement = { element: Element | Variable, attribute: Element | Variable, value: Value | Variable }
Network = Set<Statement>
An element in Ligature is an object or idea you are describing. Elements are used to refer to a concept, role, or element in Ligature. Elements are named by a string of characters. See Wander's documentation for specifics.
Literals represent literal values. You cannot make statements about literal values, like you can with Elements.
Variables are values that can represent other values.
A Statement is a triple made up of an Element being described, an Element representing the Attribute name, and the Value for that Attribute. Any of these parts can also be a variable to support operations for queries and transformations.
A Network in Ligature is a collection of entries made up of instances of Statements.