an image of a knot


A Libre Knowledge
Representation Toolkit

Ligature's Data Model

Ligature tries to have a minimal data model. Currently, Ligature only has a handful of data types that are supported. Below is psudeocode for Ligature's data model.

Extension = { element: Symbol, concept: Symbol }
NonExtension = { element: Symnol, concept: Symbol }
Role = { first: Symbol, second: Symbol, role: Symbol }
Entry = Extension | NonExtension | Role
Network = Set<Entry>


Symbols are used to refer to a concept or object in Ligature. Currently a valid Symbol is a string of characters that are valid in IRIs ( Below is the regular expression that expresses what a valid Symbol is.


Extensions and NonExtensions

Extensions allow you to say that an individual extends a concept, both represented by Symbols. Examples could be that a car extends Vechicle or 0249250940183 extends Account. NonExtensions allow you to note that an individual does not extends a concept. NonExtensions are useful when doing reasoning tasks to find clashes.


A Role is a triple made up of an ordered pair of Elements and a Role name, all three of which are represented by an Symbol.


A Network in Ligature is a collection of Extensions, NonExtensions, and Roles.
